Be safe! Get your listing out there while protecting yourself and your clients with a virtual tour.

Statistics show that listings with professionally taken photos sell 50% faster and 39% closer to their original listing price than similar homes without professional photos.

Video Walk Through and Premium Photography Package  $550

Up to 3 minutes of first person perspective video will give potential home buyers a real world look and feel of your listing!  All video capture is done using professional grade cameras with wide angle lenses (not fish eye lenses) using video stabilization technology for a smooth tour of your listing!  These professionally mastered videos are accompanied with pleasant musical audio hand selected by me.  You get both branded and un-branded versions of your video.  I will gladly host your branded video on my YouTube channel (for free) or you can host it on your own site.  See samples on my new YouTube site


Up to 3 minute video tour

Branded and un-branded videos + MLS friendly hosting and/or YouTube hosting

Includes Aerial Video

Includes Premium Photography Package

On premise 60-90 minutes

Delivered in 1-2 business days

Basic Photography  $150

Professional photography on a budget.  Need professional quality photos and processing to get your listing up?  Our photographers need only 45 minutes to capture the images needed and you get your home back.  Every image is processed for proper color balance, lighting and composition before it is delivered.  Images are delivered online for your convenience within 48 hours of your shoot.


up to 22 industry standard size photos for MLS usage

High resolution images delivered online within 48 hours

45 minutes on premise


Premium Photography  $225

These images really set your listings apart.  You want to accurately represent your property, HDR photography does exactly that.  We use HDR or High Dynamic Range photography to make your images stand out. The warm feel of an HDR image will set your listing apart.


Between 35 and 75 high resolution HDR photos of the interior and exterior

Every image is edited for color balance and brightness

Premium package includes sky replacement service for free

24 hour online delivery

Allow up to 60 minutes on premise



Aerial photography  $225

($75 add-on when purchasing basic or premium packages)

Drone images are becoming a must have for any listing.  All of our drone pilots are fully insured and licensed.  We use HDR photography for our drone images so they match the same look and feel as the images in our premium photography package.  If you really want to give your listing a boost to catch the eye of potential clients you have to include aerial images of your property.  Our competitive prices make it affordable.


Images taken from the corners, directly in front of and behind and overhead

Every image is edited for color balance and brightness

24 hour online delivery

30 minutes on premise

Fully licensed and Insured


Floor plans  starting at $150 *

High quality 2D floor plans


24 hour delivery!

Floor plans of each individual floor + combination of all floors in a single plan

Plans come with and without dimensions

Custom branding included

* for homes < 3500 square feet

Up to 3500 sq ft: $150.00

3501-7900: $200

Over 7900 square feet: $250